Saarathi Life Giving Conversations

Stakeholder Centered Coaching

Saarathi life giving Conversations

It can be more productive to help people learn to be “right” than prove they were wrong

Saarathi Life Giving Conversations

I regard gratitude as an asset and its absence a major interpersonal flaw

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What is Stakeholder Centered Coaching? 

Stakeholder Centered Coaching (SCC), developed by Marshall Goldsmith, is a practice based upon achieving positive, lasting change in behavior: for the leader, their people and their teams.

Marshall Goldsmith Approach Vs Traditional Approach

SCC measures and reports on leadership growth
throughout the process



Sponsor only pays if agreed upon growth
objectives are achieved by the client – model is
Client-centric not Coach centric.

SCC ROI has been studied in two broad sweeping
studies and demonstrated to have >95% success
rate with more that 11,000 Leaders around the

Focus is on clients that cast long shadows (have
maximum influence) therefore impact is
maximized throughout organization. .

Client engages a broad range of stakeholders
including bosses, coworkers, and employees in
daily coaching: outcome is accelerated growth,
heightened awareness, humility and EQ through
immediate identification of leadership
behaviours that are most impactful not only for
the client but all stakeholders. The process
inherently creates a culture of change and trust
that did not exist

SCC takes incredible courage, humility and
discipline – it is a transparent and public process
which involves sharing with stakeholder including
subordinates those things that client is weak at
and wants to improve upon and is asking their
help in.
NB: Coaching conversations are bound by
confidentiality. .

SCC intake assessment involves the coach
meeting with each of the client’s stakeholders to
truly understand the individual via structured
behavioural interviews by professional coaches
that we can then debrief in concert with tailored
proprietary Global Executive 360 assessments
with the client.

SCC Coaches partner with clients to develop an
aspirational leadership model that is authentic to
the individual’s leadership style and personality –
this identifies 1 or 2 impactful behavioural shifts
aligned to corporate goals for SCC engagement. 

SCC Process focus on sustainability in behavioural
shifts by repeating actions confirmed by
stakeholders that form habits, these habits with
in 6-9 months form new behaviours that are
sustained and are reinforced by new perceptions
acknowledged by stakeholders through mini
survey feedback as well as on the job. . 

SCC is a highly transferable coaching process that
the client learns how to deliver during the
leadership growth journey – SCC clients graduate
as coaches.
SCC Coaches have complete access to the process
and tools to use within their team as they see fit
– paying it forward is the greatest compliment we

Traditional coaching does not measure or report
on outcomes (sponsor cannot be sure if
objectives were achieved)

Traditional coaching is billed based on time spent
with the client or on the exercises completed –
not on outcomes achieved (resulting in sponsor
potentially paying for the wrong thing.)

No such research that we know of has been

Traditional coaching may engage all levels of
organization from front line, to middle
management as well as senior leadership.

Traditional coaching is focused on the 1:1
relationship with the client and coach who meet
at a set frequency and generally does not reach
beyond this from a coaching perspective”.

Traditional coaching is typically highly
confidential, other than the sponsor no one may
know of the coaching relationship.

 Traditional coaching typically uses web based ‘off  the shelf’ 360 assessments or personality tests only, to determine focus of coaching.

Often traditional coaching is focused more on the “moment” – “how can we best make use of thistime today” without necessarily driving to adefined outcome and hence ROI

The SCC Process is not utilized in any other
coaching system we are aware of

Most traditional coaches do not leave any
process for the client to share or repeat – it is based more an inquiry process (there are some coaches using systems coaching however few share the process and tools with clients for future use in their organization).

“Was unsure about leadership coaching, but the outcomes I received were undisputable.  It was the best investment I have made in my development in 7 years of work life”


Whats the Formula For Measurable Change?

Neither the person being coached nor the coach determines improvement. Rather the degree of improvement is determined by the stakeholders/raters of the Leader over the course of the engagement.

What are typical goals that leaders work on?

A leader could get initial feedback that they need to be a better listener. The leader will then get suggestions from stakeholders on how he/she can accomplish this goal. These sugestions will be documented next to the larger goal. 

How are stakeholders chosen?

Stakeholders are people in the company most impacted by the leadership behavior. For example if a leader wants to be a better listener, then people who are consistently in meetings with the leader would be prime stakeholders. If the leader wants to be better at delegation, then direct reports would be the stake holders. 

How are results Determined?

Stakeholders rate the leader in mini surveys on a scale from =3 to +3 as to weather the behavioral goal is getting better or worse compared to the beginning of the process.

How does the Coaching work?

Leaders are coached two hours per month. The leader can choose if this is done in four 30 minute segments, two 60 minute sessions or one longer monthly session

How does the monthly check in work?

These are meant to be brief exchanges where the leader asks for feedbacks on how he/she is doing and any suggestions for the future. This could be accomplished in brief two -minute meetings or an email exchange. 

What makes Stakeholder Cnetered Coaching Unique?

Coaches only get paid at the end of the engagement if the leader has made a positive progress on his/her goals. If the goals are neutral or negative, coaches do not get paid.